| “Religion is a treadmill, you do a bunch of work and you get no where. |
| To Dream with God is to dare greatly. |
| God’s ‘love language’ is relationship, He absolutely loves the process of developing relationship with us. |
| A really fun aspect of dreaming with God is the exploration of the gifting and calling the Holy Spirit has placed in your spirit through your imagining. |
| The idea behind the series is Adam attempting to try and answer a big and meaty question in just 300 words. |
| How we continue to enjoy intimacy with God even in a place of trial and disappointment? |
| A key way of experiencing His presence is reading the Bible. Read the Bible with the Holy Spirit. |
| Five levels of Supernatural Bible Reading |
| In 2 Timothy 3:14-17 Paul reminds Timothy of the wonderful resource and gift the bible is to us. |
| There are different types of fear. |
| In a non hierarchical Kingdom family, where there is a emphasis upon equality, powerful people, princes and princesses there is the still the gift of leadership. |
| At the moment, I am reading “ God’s Generals” by Roberts Liardon, it is full of great biographies and lessons. The next two quotes got me thinking hard! |
| Proverbs 18v21. Words are powerful. We know death is in the power of the tongue but we have given little attention to the superior and more powerful truth that LIFE is in the power of the tongue too. |
| It is impossible to move forward in faith without changing our words. Need to speak differently. |
| Nothing happens in the kingdom without first a declaration (Bill Johnson) |
| It is impossible to move forward in faith without changing our words. |
| Joy is not a luxury option, joy is to be our constant companion. |
| Be honest with God, don't try to be presentable to God, take off the mask and be real and vulnerable before God. |
| To delight you have to become like a little kid, little children are great at delighting, always expressing delight as they anticipate what’s going to happen today |
| When unpleasant things come along, when our dream seems hindered or blocked |
| A personal revelation of His goodness is absolutely foundational |
| Crucial to enjoying the freedom to dream and imagine with God is living in the peace of God. |
| Culture is the ‘operating system’ of the human heart. To Dream powerfully and effectively with God the believer needs to get heaven’s culture shaping their dream life.
| “Don't aim at success. The more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. |
| Being hacked is when someone uses a computer to gain unauthorised access to data in your system. |
| God wants to transform and bring His freedom to every area of our lives. |
| A really fun aspect of dreaming with God is the exploration of the gifting and calling the Holy Spirit has placed in your spirit through your imagining. |
| One of the main methods Jesus and the apostles used in the gospels and Acts was to SPEAK TO things. |
| Undergirding this weak conscience is a stronghold, that is maintained and based upon an argument. |
| The defiled conscience then becomes the easy target for the spirit of accusation |
| There is great strength in being a person who is sensitive to the Holy Spirit, eager to perceive His will and heart, and aware of the needs of the people around. |
| Reconnection to God and with others is God’s goal in salvation. |
| Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV) 6 Do not be anxious about anything |
| As a church we have prophetic promises about the outflow of God’s presence into our local community. |
| When dreaming with God, it is very easy to become entirely focused upon being intentional, strategic and stewarding the dream well. |
| Without dreaming with God it is impossible to develop true intimacy and connection with Him. In dreaming we get to know and love Him, love his dreams and share our desires too.
| Being hacked is when someone uses a computer to gain unauthorised access to data in your system. |
| Be honest with God, don’t try to be presentable to God, take off the mask and be real and vulnerable before God. |
| Knowing that God loves us intellectually, and experiencing His love for us are two different things. |
| A core dimension of big world changing dreams is the call to serve society, and to be the flavour of heaven in culture. |
| What would you do and what would you look like if you were fearless? |
| A very important question to ask when you recieve a propheitic word from God is what qualifies you to inherit that promise? |
| In 2 Kings 7:1 we read an account of serve famine, and scarcity. |
| A series of articles, each answering one big question in 300 words. |
| "Since you can do nothing how much help do you need? |
| Humility is not for the believer to focus on their insufficiency and inadequacy |
| To delight you have to become like a little kid, little children are great at delighting |
| God loves it when we dream because it places a demand on his goodness and is an opportunity for his glory to be displayed more in the earth. |
| Cultural transformation begins in the individuals heart and their one on one interaction's with God. |
| If you view God as your servant He will frustrate and disappoint you forever. |
| A core dimension of big world changing dreams is the call to serve society, and to be the flavour of heaven in culture |
| To delight you have to become like a little kid, little children are great at delighting |
| If we are growing there is always going to be a gap between what we are currently experiencing and where we are going |
| “Hope” is the thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul |
| God is good isn’t just a theological statement, a revelation of His goodness changes the way we dream |
| The number one regret of the dying is that they lived their life according to the expectations |
| When God gives you a dream and puts a promise in your heart, most often, there is a delay. |
| Dream from a position of rest. it's important not to view dreaming as something I "should" be doing. |
| God gave you a divine imagination. It’s essential to go beyond the current limitation of your thinking and access the truth through dreaming. |
| God gave you a divine imagination. It’s essential to go beyond the current limitation of your thinking and access the truth through dreaming. |
| The writers kicks off chapter 12 by saying as we run the Christian life we are surrounded by crowds. The hero’s of the faith, men and women who ran the same race as us before. |
| What you think about God is the most important thing in the World. |
| When you desire God first, He gives you permission to desire other things too. When you desire first a relationship with Him, He liberates you to have dreams and desires. |
| Vision starts with what God places on our heart and is then is outworked on the on the front line of day to day obedience. |
| God’s plan is that His Kingdom be advanced by His family, through His sons and daughters having a revelation and becoming fully convinced of their royal identity. |
| Nothing happens in the kingdom without first a declaration. A powerful tool for igniting faith and hope to walk in your dreams, purpose, and destiny is the power of declarations. |
| “Religion is a treadmill, you do a bunch of work and you get no where |
| Judges 6-7. Israel was oppressed, humiliated, and suffering from a self-induced Inability to establish a future. |
| Four healthy heart motivations for giving: |
| A core dimension of big world changing dreams is the call to serve society |
| The invisible foundation of culture is BELIEFS. |
| Hopelessness articulates an argument which opposes Christ |
| Hope is the confident expectation that God’s good is coming |
| Personal and cultural transformation is given momentum through us becoming personally fully persuaded about our identity |
| Hope isn’t an emotion that is worked up, rather hope is birthed as we change what we believe. |
| We have been designed to step into fulfilled promises. |
| No one, and no circumstances can make us respond negativity. |
| To Dream with God is to dare greatly. |
| God’s ‘love language’ is relationship, He absolutely loves the process of developing relationship with us. |
| When God gives you a dream and puts a promise in your heart, most often, there is a delay. |
| A core dimension of big world changing dreams is the call to serve society, and to be the flavour of heaven in culture. (Matthew 5:13-16). |
| Day one is where you hear the promise, and its exciting, encouraging and creates an inner world of anticipation. |
| If you view God as your servant He will frustrate and disappoint you forever. |
| Nothing happens in the kingdom without first a declaration (Bill Johnson)
| When we Dream with God it is so important that we don’t take ourselves so seriously. Many believers take their role in seeing their dream fulfilled totally upon their own shoulders. |
| It is almost impossible to develop a relationship of intimacy, connection, awe and trust with Father God without dreaming with Him. God loves it when our confidence in Him causes us to ask and expect great things of Him. |
| What is the goodnews of the Gospel? |
| Jesus placed such an emphasis upon the work of the Holy Spirit that he says ‘wait’ ‘do not leave until’ the promised Holy Spirit, the friend (John 14) has come. Acts 1:4,8, 2:1-4. |
| Everyone has a story, something they were meant to give to the world, everyone carries promise, significance and purpose |
| Culture is the ‘operating system’ of the human heart. It’s a way of thinking, and behaving. Culture is what sets our core values, priorities and boundaries. |
| Reconnection to God and with others is God's goal in salvation. It is not just being reconnected with Him, it's reconnection, and relationship with others too. |
| God’s plan is that His Kingdom be advanced by His family, through His sons and daughters having a revelation and so becoming fully convinced of their royal identity. |
| In Colossians 3:15 Christ offers shalom, shalom is the Old Testament, Hebrew word meaning peace. |
| In Genesis 42v9 we read about Joseph remembering the dream he had as a youth. |
| "Joy is not a luxury option, joy is to be your constant companion (see Phil 4:4). |
| When we Dream with God it is so important that we don’t take ourselves so seriously. |
| God's 'love language' is relationship, He absolutely loves the process of developing relationship with us. |
| There are different types of fear. There's a fear that is fun. There is a kind of fear that is bad a kind of fear that will paralyze you and robs you of life. |
| "There will always be great individuals through history |
| God's 'love language' is relationship, He absolutely loves the process of developing relationship with us. |
| To Dream with God is to dare greatly. |
| A practical application of believing God is good is to preach his goodness to yourself. |
| When we Dream with God it is so important that we don't take ourselves so seriously. |
| When God gives you a dream and puts a promise in your heart, most often, there is a delay. |
| When a church is building upon prophetic promises their priority is not just about having a go to see how things turn out |
| A great way to take your walk with God to the next level is to manage what you focus on. |
| Humility is not for the believer to focus on their insufficiency and inadequacy, rather humility is the agreement with God's assessment and promise, however impossible it appears.
| Nothing happens in the kingdom without first a declaration.
| God loves it when we dream because it places a demand on his goodness and is an opportunity for his glory to be displayed more in the earth. |
| Testimonies reveal the nature of God (Deut 6:17). |
| "I am better at my job than you realise. I don't need as much help as you think". |
| In Genesis 42v9 we read about Joseph remembering the dream he had as a youth. A dream in which his brothers bowed down to him |
| During a particularly stressful season of my life my 3 year old friend, George, was praying for me |
| It is almost impossible to develop a relationship of intimacy, connection and trust with Father God without dreaming |
| Psalm 32:8-9. God's commitment can be summed up in His promise "I will stay close you". |
| Knowing that God loves us intellectually, and experiencing His love for us are two different things. |
| Joy is not a luxury option, joy is to be your constant companion |
| Jesus' makes a startling invitation in John 15:7 "ask whatever you wish" This offer is like walking into a shop and being instructed to choose whatever you wish. What would you like? |
| God's 'love language' is relationship, He absolutely loves the process of developing relationship with us. |
| "You don't need to try really hard to hear me... |
| Because God is good the believer is required to dream big! |
| "Keep trusting in me, and give yourself to do what I love... |
| Because God is good the believer is required to dream big!! |
| 5 keys to Dreaming with God by Joy Barham |
| Numbers 13v25-33 There’s a big promise, and the people are on the very brink of having it, it's almost time to come into their purpose and destiny. |
| Father God says to you... |
| "You are not going to be able to contain what I am pouring in. |
| Two totally different view points and perspectives on the very same circumstances. |
| It is extremely difficult to move forward in faith without changing your words. |
| Proverbs 18v21. Words are powerful. |
| There are two vital keys to maintaining connection with God when your heart hurts. |
| Vision starts with what God places on our heart and is then is outworked on the on the front line of day to day obedience |
| When you find your church family you easily find your purpose, purpose is that thing God prepared in advance for you to run with. |
| "I am not a cruel joke God. Dear child, you will never have abiding hope if you believe I am a cruel joke God. |
| The search for joy, and the discovery of something of great value is a foundational motivation for all people. |
| You have permission to rejoice, relax and partner with me in celebration. |
| "You are becoming fully persuaded of my ability to lead, guide and protect. |
| You are like Fort Knox because you are my favourite |
| Romans 15:13 tells us that every believer can overflow with Hope |
| Mark 5v1-21: At the core of this story is the truth that JESUS CHANGES PEOPLE. |
| Nahum 1:7. God is Good. God wants His goodness/promises to be a hiding place in tough times. |
| Exodus 33:19 When Moses asked to see God’s glory |
| The Father speaks this over your life |
| Freedom and empowerment isn’t something that is first discerned and enjoyed through the natural senses. |
| Study the Book of Acts, finding the supernatural encounters that the church experienced.
| What is the goodnews of the Gospel? |
| “Our future depends of our belief systems... |
| Reconnection to God and with others is God's goal in salvation. |
| It opens heaven’s door of abundance on earth |
| Abide in the Word to know truth and to be set free |
| Small churches can change the world. |
| In a non hierarchical Kingdom family, where there is a emphasis upon equality, powerful people, princes and princesses there is the still the gift of leadership. |
| Read Acts 6:1-7. In the context of increase, breakthrough, growth, the early Church was still a messy place. There were legitimate complaints. The question is how did leadershiprespond to these legitimate needs?
| Ephesians 4 tells us that Jesus gives leadership gifts given to church. |
| Reconnection to God and with others is God's goal in salvation. |
| Jesus took the punishment we deserved because of our sin, and offers the constant forgiveness He deserved because of his sinless life. |
| Baptism portrays what happened to us when we became Christians. |
| Topic of giving money pokes and prods us. |
| Realisation and revelation of who we are. As a church we are appointed to bring cultural transformation. |
| You are the most protected person on the planet. You are like Fort Knox because you are my favourite |
| The gospel is not good news unless you see where you came from. |
| "I invite you to go deeper |
| Paul’s priority is seen in this prayer. These verses encourage us to be constant in this prayer too! |
| Many of us have a strong and fearful reaction to a curse, because we find it easier to imagine curses, there is fearful anticipation that whatever I do everything will go wrong. |
| The writer is urgent, he’s saying pay attention, listen to this, have you really understood what I’ve just told you? Like with a child we might “say look at me”, do you understand? To stop the drift and neglect he reminds them of certain vital truths. |
| Jesus always shows up in his time but not always as we expect, it's to test our faith, our love and our hunger for him. |
| Nothing is hidden from Him. He knows those times when we begin to panic. He knows when we become overwhelmed by anxiety. He sees the heaviness and weight we feel when sin enslaves and destroys our freedom. |
| Hebrews 10:24-25 The gospel, the goodnews, the glad merry news that makes us leap for joy is about |
| 2 Kings 7:1 Today famine, Donkey Head, Doves Dung. Tomorrow the promise of abundance. |
| CCK you'll see Moses and the Red Sea moments. |
| Dream from a position of rest. it's important not to view dreaming as something I "should" be doing. |
| 2 Cor 9:6,7 God loves Hilarious Generosity: He loves it when we are radically generous with money, encouragement, time, friendships, hospitality. |
| Poverty is broken by Generosity“. |
| Generosity is part of the sowing and reaping law
| Judges 6-7. Israel was oppressed, humiliated, and suffering from a self-induced Inability to establish a future. |
| Small churches can change the world. 120 were invited to the upper room to first enjoy the promised outpouring and not the 3,000 |
| CCK family you are increasingly believing that you don't have to work for what comes to you as a gift. |
| We cannot change the culture around us without first changing the culture within us.
| It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
| All the glory, strength and gifting He has placed in you isn’t just for you. Yes there's joy in co-labouring with the Father. |
| The Fathers heart is expressed in Him wanting a family. He wants us reconnected both with Himself and with one another. |
| 1 Corinthians 14:34 talks about women remaining silent in church and it is addressed to particular women. |
| At the centre of the Kingdom is the dynamic and perfect relationship of the trinity. |
| We want men and women to bring their unique reflection of God to the table. |
| Read Acts 6:1-7. In the context of increase, breakthrough, growth, the early Church was still a messy place. |
| Ephesians 4 tells us that Jesus gives leadership gifts given to church. |
| Reconnection to God and with others is God's goal in salvation. |
| In Luke 15 the Elder brother is Loyal. Obedient. Faithful. Dutiful, Hard-working. |
| Luke 15 looks at two sons both alienated from their father. |
| 1819 Whale ship Essex was hit by a Sperm Whale. |
| What is the secret to running the race of risk and faith |
| 2 Timothy 4:5 Part of what hinders us from doing the work of the evangelist is the sense of pressure to get people to make a decision. |
| Be honest with God, not trying to be presentable to God... |
| Two responses to an impossible promise. Luke 1:11 Zechariah and Mary. |
| Your confidence before God is not to be based on your own performance |
| We are called not to run on your own effort. Legalism means turning your back on God. |
| Understanding how the grace of God has gifted us with God’s righteousness is the master key for joy and freedom. How? |
| ACTS 8:4 The Kingdom of God is release through a demonstration of power that leads to righteousness and great joy. |
| Not only was the New Testament church born through a powerful experience of the Spirit (Acts 2v 1-4) but also it was a powerful, bold community that pulsated with the life of the Holy Spirit. |
| What are we are doing as a church to develop a culture that releases the supernatural? PART TWO |
| What are we are doing as a church to develop a culture that releases the supernatural? PART ONE |
| If you have any doubts or question about Releasing the Supernatural, just read the book of Acts. Acts is the normal Christian life. |
| Releasing the Supernatural is more than just experiencing a realm that we cannot see. |
| Scripture proclaims the truth about: God. He is good, holy, gracious, and merciful. God’s continuing love |
| 2 Cor 9:6,7 God loves Hilarious Generosity |
| How can I keep the water level high in my life all day? How can I live aware of Him in the busyness of life? |
| Jesus hasn’t just come to show us the theory of being free but came to actually set us free and make us free, freedom in reality. |
| Knowing intellectually that God loves us, and experiencing His love for us are two different things. |
| Valuing His Presence Part 2. What would happen to a baby if it determined its future by its past? |
As we continue in our negativity fast, here's a chapter from Steve Backlund's lastest book that will be published in May, Crucial Moments. |
| As we continue in our negativity fast, we are being challenged to have a hope-filled theology about the nature of God. |
| A group of people (three to five per team) asks God for words of knowledge about people’s names, clothing, appearance and prayer need(s). |
| "Repenting From or Repenting To."
The word repent means:
Re - Again, anew, back or backward
Pent - the highest place (as in penthouse) |
| God says listen I have a house. I’m inviting people to my home. I have a place where you can rest, a place of safety/protection a place where you can be yourself, where you don’t have to pretend. |
| A help to do this fast successfully – Take time during this negativity fast to be still while listening to worship music.
| Nahum 1:7. God is Good. God wants His goodness/promises to be a hiding place in tough times. He becomes hiding place, when we are fully convinced concerning His nature and His power. RM 4:21. |
| What to do when people are not healed |
| A personal revelation of His goodness is absolutely foundational and fundamental for effective co-labouring with God. It is where boldness and confidence grows up and springs from. |
| A growing revelation that God is good will increasingly set us free from fear, insecurity and hopelessness. |
| The ‘juice’ that flows within us, will flow between us. |
| Two sons both alienated from their father.
| Jesus hasn’t just come to show us the theory of being free but has come to actually set us free and make us free. You can be free!
| This Sunday CCK LondonThe Big Picture! Shrek Forever After. |
| Mark 6:7-13 Authority: At our wedding John Biville prophesied about Going for the miraculous. I loved that word but I never mixed it with faith. Seemed too incredible for me. |
| MARK 6:1-6: LIFE FLOWS THROUGH HONOUR: Jesus comes home after these two ‘high point’ miracles. At first they are astonished by his wisdom and his works. But then they stumbled they had known him since childhood so there’s questions.
| At the core of this story is the truth that JESUS CHANGES PEOPLE. No one one is beyond the grace of God. Nothing is too difficult for Him to bring freedom too. |
| What would you do and what would you look like if you were fearless? What would you do if you were ten times more courageous?
| There are different types of fear. There's a fear that is fun. There is a kind of fear that is bad a kind of fear that will paralyze you and robs you of life. There is a good fear. There is a fear that will make you run from danger into safety. |
| Nothing is hidden from Him. He knows those times when we begin to panic. He knows when we become overwhelmed by anxiety. He sees the heaviness and weight we feel when sin enslaves and destroys our freedom. |
| Not only is there physical heart disease, there is also spiritual heart disease. Unbelief, and the deceitfulness of sin the writer says are major causes of spiritual heart disease. |
| In these six verses the word house or home is used seven times. God says listen I have a house. I’m inviting people to my home. I have a place where you can rest, a place of safety/protection a place where you can be yourself. |
| The writer is urgent, he’s saying pay attention, listen to this, have you really understood what I’ve just told you? Like with a child we might “say look at me”, do you understand? |
| Hebrews was written to first century Christians converted from Judaism (AD 68 author unknown) in danger of giving up. Christians were facing fierce persecution. Physical assault, homes plundered, some thrown into prison, public ridicule. |