Spiritual Adoption
Jesus hasn’t just come to show us the theory of being free but came to actually set us free and make us free, freedom in reality. We can sing the songs, know the verses, but He wants us to be free in practice. From the heart free. Freedom from walking around with mindsets and a lack of experience of our true freedom found in our true identity (Romans 8 we received son-ship) Must access the benefit of the name we are known by, saints, sons, adopted, beloved, priest etc.
Like living in a house and not accessing the fridge.
Freedom of son-ship isn’t something we did, earn or produce but something we received (Rom 8). But some of us haven’t cashed in on the rewards and the benefits of our adoption. So internally we live as a slave, but maybe say with our mouth we are a son. We have to access what is ours (Gal 4 Spiritual adoption, inheritance)
Power for life, and freedom, spring from identity, knowing who we are. There is great humility in believing what God says about you. Co-heirs, saint, chosen, royal, special, honourable priest (1 Peter 2:9,12) , beloved son, full rights of a child of God, (Gal 4) to hear intimate words from the Father, his affirmation. Realizing the Fathers love for yourself and others
The gospel is not just the transfer of ownership, slave to sin slave to Christ but the freedom of son-ship. The restoration of family, enjoying the momentum and freedom Jesus established. The gospel is God's goodness that unleashes us into who we were always meant to be.
True freedom is an empowered people, freedom to be. Genesis 1, made to be free, living free is to reflect God. Called to reflect the authority, and ruler-ship of Heaven, Genesis 1:26 to rule over, to steward, making the most of something. Gen 1:28 Dominion, ( a word evoking the imagery of a prince ruling by going down and walking among the subjects).
Redemption; buying a slave with the view of setting them free.
Ransom; to restore to relationship with the family, Gal 4:4-5, Col 1:13-14, Eph 1:7.
What was paid for is mine, not because I did anything but through inheriting.
Jamie Lee, 21/04/2014