Nothing happens in the kingdom without first a declaration (Bill Johnson)
God Himself gives life to the dead and creates things out of nothing by declaring (Romans 4:17). He does it in creation: we see Him in Genesis 1 declaring " let there be" light and then calling things by their name. God also unlocks prophetic destiny by calling out who people really are before we can even see any evidence of it in their lives. For example, God calls Gideon "a mighty man of valour, who will save Israel" when Gideon feels and looks weak... (See Abraham, Moses, Peter…)
Declarations are one of the most powerful transformation tools for renewing your mind, demolishing strongholds and leading your life towards God’s promises. For example if you feel weak, or are weak, take Joel 3:10 and speak out the declaration that you are strong with Christ in you. (In doing this you are not denying your experience but you are choosing not to agree with it as the ultimate definer of your identity).
Declarations are a practical tool to help you decide to agree with God’s words and not you current and past experience. By speaking declarations you partner with God in prophesying over yourself in order to believe God’s assessment, because faith comes by hearing. (Declarations are a wonderful tool to up-grade your believing in God’s promises and is a means of partnering with God to see the dreams He has given fulfilled).
If you change the way you think you’ll change your life. If you change your thoughts, God will change your life. (Romans 12:2) A key to changing your thoughts is to change your words. What dominates your thought life is what you cultivate through speaking.
Romans 10:18 says that faith comes by hearing through the word of Christ. So we take every lie, every thought that opposes God's truth take it captive through declaring His truth, this will cause that area to line up with God's assessment (2 Cor 10:4-5). (We don’t deny negative facts in our lives, but through speaking declarations we choose to focus on God’s higher reality: His truth).
Words spark, revive, create courage, freedom, momentum, unlock potential. What you say about yourself, others, community carries weight. Declarations harness the power of words (James 3:1-12). As we Hear good news His grace convinces and convicts. Cultivates and manifests faith. Declarations are a way of walking with Holy Spirt, who causes the fruit of self-control, that gets outworked in every detail including your words, (Galatians 5:22-23)
You can change and direct your life through words. You get to direct your future by intentional speaking. You can set the course steer/direct/turn/lead/control your life, towards what God says through your words (James 3:3).
If you want your life to be at a certain point in five years you need to get your words to agree. it starts by seeing yourself through God’s eyes and realising what He thinks about your future then declaring it over yourself in agreement with God.
For more resources to encourage Intimacy, connection and trust in Father God please download the Dream Revolution smartphone App by clicking the link.
Jamie Lee, 16/04/2017