2 Cor 9:6,7 God loves Hilarious Generosity: He loves it when we are radically generous with money, encouragement, time, friendships, hospitality. Hilarious generosity springs from a big view of God and His resources. A biblical view of His favour resting upon our lives. Leading to mindset that trusts Him, and trusts There’s More than enough. A mindset that sees life through the lens of “plenty” an abundant mindset, 3 John 1:1-4. a prosperous soul, healthy inner life.
Poverty not just an economic problem it’s a mindset, heart problem, that causes the person to see the world through the lenses (mindset) of there is never enough. Ultimately the poverty mindset can become a persons personal identity. There is never enough for me. Because I’m not worth it. Leaving a person Feeling like a beggar, impoverished, destitute. Living constantly with the fear of lack: Leading to grudgingly annoyed giving. Stingy, always thinking of cost Proverbs 23:7. Fear and poverty mindset often go together.
Poverty mindset Hounds and steals peace. Barks at us words like It won’t work, you won’t have enough.The poverty mindset keeps you hidden causes you to co-operate with the idea you are invisible. Believing the lie that you have nothing to contribute, nothing to be generous with.
A Poverty mindset can feel like a safe place. Holds you back. Makes you afraid to risk, and be vulnerable. Poverty becomes a familiar. You learn to trust your sense of lack, terrified of stepping out into hilarious generosity because out there I’m unfamiliar with. Who knows what can happen if I step out in generosity?
Intentional Generosity accelerates removal of limits and constraints. Overcomes stinginess of soul. Generosity is key to setting our spiritual temperature.
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Luke 6:38.Whatever we give away will become treasure in Heaven Matt 6:19. Intentional giving brings blessing to us. 2 Cor. 9:6 tells us to not sow sparingly. If you need a breakthrough in one particular area in your life, sow into it! You need encouragement, encourage, money, be generous, friendship, be a friend etc.
Jamie Lee, 06/05/2014