a dream remembered
In Genesis 42v9 we read about Joseph remembering the dream he had as a youth. A dream in which his brothers bowed down to him. Its interesting to note the words, then he remembered his dreams... It is clear that it wasn't the power of remembering his dreams that pulled him through years of contradictory circumstances. It wasn't the hope created by the certainty of "one day I'll be vindicated, or reunited". To remember his dreams meant he had forgotten them. His strength, vitalitity and courage wasn't derived from the promise the dreams contained, nor in the specifics of how it might be fulfilled, but rather his source of hope, and strength must have been his relationship with the one who gave the dream.
Because Joseph had forfotten the dreams it is clear he wasn't proactively planning. This moment before his brothers wasn't the fruit of his wisdom and planning. Indeed his circumstances totally prophibited proactive planning. He couldn't elevate himself from the context of a dungeon. He couldn't bring his brothers to him. He couldn't liberate himself. The fulfillment of his dreams was beyond his asking and his imagining.
The Father gives us dreams, but heavens dreams are beyound our ability to plan and strategise. He gives us a sense of who we are and what is possible for heaven to do in and through us, but we never really see the whole picture, or the how the dream might be fully fulfilled. God's wisdom is so beyond our logic, he surprises us, we are left startled, "I could never have imaged that is what the dream fulfilled would look like" or, "I never thought He would take that route to get here"
The prophetic word from God shows us His His view point and assessment. How God sees us and our circumstances always creates a tension between todays circumstanes and the promise of tomorrow. Faith, and trust in His kindness and faithfulness keeps your heart soft and connected to Father in the midst of the unplanned pace and place. In the midst of huge contradictions Joesph had forgotten his dreams from God, but he hadn't forgotten God. But in this moment before His brothers he remembered. It was a moment of God's disclosure, God's redemptive hand was revealed. God had been working all along. He had taken wicked, evil jealous actions that had thrown Joseph into a dungeon and had redeemed the whole thing. God is the agent of glorious redemption.
Dreams from God give us a hint of what's to come, but when God reveals the how and the fulfillment they are always bigger, bolder and brighter. To follow God only works as we become childlike, embracing mystery, tension and being content. Knowing that heaven's wisdom is at work. That God has the capacity to work this out excellently, creatively and according to holy integrity.
But in the midst of huge obstacles Jospeh wasn't a passive victim. Whilst he may had forgotten the specifics of a dream, he hadn't dismissed what the dream revealed about him. That he was a man who was called to greatness and staus. He stewarded that calling in every and any circumstance. Whatever the context he served with great dignity, wisdom and courage. It was the way he stewarded his inner world that set him up for the dreams greater fulfillment. He stewarded well what was infront of him, with prophetic eyes that could see beyond the clutter, all empowered through his connection to God and his faithfulness. All this led him to and underpinned the moment of remembering what God had promised.
For more resources to encourage Intimacy, connection and trust in Father God please download the Dream Revolution smartphone App by clicking the link.
Jamie Lee, 04/04/2016