God's Love Language
God’s ‘love language’ is relationship, He absolutely loves the process of developing relationship with us. Jesus’ goal is to mature us to the place where we choose to remain in Him and allow His words to remain in us, so that He can bring us to the place of such connection we can be trusted to ask of Him whatever we wish, and it will be done (John 15:7)
Jesus’ destination for every believer is that this relational bond will be so strong, that we will be so devoted to His interests, purposes, ways, delighting in Him, so aligned to the type of fruit He wants,that He can trust us with the question:- “What’s on your heart? What do you love? What do you need? “What makes your heart beat faster?” How can I help you succeed? Ask for whatever you wish and it’s yours. *
God is not looking for robots, slaves, or people who suppress desire. Children always communicate desire. Likewise the believer had been spiritually adopted, now we are son’s and daughters who have been invited to ask. We are not servants but sons. NOT just a relationship based upon instructions, but a relationship in which we are invited to share our heart with Him. “This is what I’d love to be, do, see and have” Expecting God’s greatness, goodness, sovereignty and wisdom to work, and to show up.
Whilst recognising sonship we not to view God as the ‘butler of Heaven’, and prayer as spiritual a vending machine where we undertake certain disciplines in order to somehow obligate Him to answer. This invitation to ask is founded upon a deep relationship of trust, and confidence in His love and goodness. Yes we have desires, longings, dreams and ideas, yet our asking is flavoured by asking in place surrender, without needing to control God or the outcome.
We mustn’t distort this wonderful invitation to ask into a list of how He has to work things out. Dictating to God our plan and our pace and our timing. We are not His consultants. You cannot control God and tell Him how to work it out, when to work it out, what the outcome has to look like. “God this is what I can do, this is what I can imagine, now you do it just like that” Avoid entitlement, it’s my right, frustration, being offended and judging God, “I would be a better God than you are”
In this place of trust we’ll live in the liberty of not limiting God. We’ll discover He won’t be limited by our imagination, His plans are always more wonderful, expansive simply better than anything we could come up with. This week take one step backwards and get a fresh glimpse of how wise, loving and all powerful He really is.
Jamie Lee, 21/05/2017